Sunday, June 27, 2010

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Just finished watching the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo in Swedish. Loving the trilogy written by Stieg Larsson I wasn't holding out a lot of hope that I would like the movie but I was shockingly surprised.

Viewing only Hollywood movies for years I've forgotten how good a movie with minimal special effects can be. The audience was enthralled - watched it at the Modern Art Musem auditorium which is an intimate venue with a small screen. The explicit sex scenes were made more uncomfortable by the shared experience.

The casting was right on - Lisbeth was just as I'd imagined her. The other roles were played by age appropriate actors - wrinkles, acne scars and all. This "realism in casting" allowed me to be caught up in a plot; something sorely missing for me in most movies. This was all the more curious since I knew what was going to happen.

Can't wait to see how Hollywood screws up their version - you can bet there won't be spontaneous applause at the end.